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Running (faster) with Gitlab CI

2021-11-10, by
Tolleiv Nietsch

Gitlab became our main tool for sourcecode and automation over the past 5 years. Naturally, all of our build processes, continuous integration and delivery as well as platform management is completely automated, and Gitlab CI has proven to be a valuable tool.

So how do we organize our pipelines at AOE?

Gitlab CI Repo

Initially, we have a repo which provides templates and starting points for all of our pipelines, so we can benefit from scaling to any number of microservices without having to think of management overhead.

Gitlab CI Jobs

Each pipeline is a well-defined and small piece that declares it basic steps, such as “test”, “build” and “deploy”. More complex pipelines are organized as sub-pipelines, e.g. deployments to multiple regions:

Gitlab CI Pipeline

Using these abstractions we can quickly roll out our applications to new clusters or changed infrastructure topology, while keeping fast build processes so our developers get a quick feedback on merge requests and commits.

So, why do we not use something else than Gitlab CI? Having one tool helps a lot with keeping vital things close together, such as sourcecode, helm deployment definitions and necessary pipelines. Also, the feedback loop is short and allows for more effective work. After all, nobody likes waiting for pipelines reports.

AOE is a leading global provider of services for digital transformation and digital business models. AOE relies exclusively on established Enterprise Open Source technologies. This leads to innovative solutions, digital products and portals in agile software projects, and helps build long-lasting, strategic partnerships with our customers.